The mask.png file is used to set transparency values on the isight camera (uses the png alpha plane). nf -no-media-library -plugin-path modules -v -no-video-title -mosaic-keep-picture Setup channel1 input channel1 output #duplicate:bridge-out You now need to configure VLC to get the 3 source streams and blend them on the background image. Therefore the inmate is the only one who can book a. vlc file:///full/path/to/background.png -image-duration=-1 -image-fps=10 Free visits are a benefit for the inmate and are credited to the inmates account. You should test it with VLC to see if it displays locally : This is important since the default frame rate for image files is 10fps.įor videolan 1.x and earlier, use the fake: access method. The hotline will be open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m.
The frame rate of the background video or image will be the frame rate of the mosaic video. Ombudsman Visitation Hotline: Members of the public may call this line to inquire about inmate location, basic visitation policy questions, unit family liaison officer information, and how to appeal a visitation denial.

It is also possible to use a video as a background for the mosaic, and superimpose other videos. Many image formats are supported ( JPEG, PNG …). The image should be the same size as the video you want to create. You now have to get a background for the mosaic.Īn image is the easiest way to have a background that can be played as long as necessary.
Get VLC 2 or newer and install it on your computer. Inmate Visitations The Mesa County Detention Facility offers virtual video visits with family members and friends to eligible inmates. Read the VLC streaming howto ( chapters 3 and 5 concerning command line and VLM usage in VLC) : Step 1 You might want to use it if you have no knowledge of VLC command line usage. Starting with VLC 0.8.5-test2, the HTTP interface features a "Mosaic wizard". Note that we will also be streaming the 3 sound tracks from channels 1, 2 and 3 in the same MPEG-TS stream. What we basically want is a video mosaic mixing 3 video channels (channels 1, 2 and 3) on a background image (background.png) and streaming the resulting video on the network. This is a small example about how to use VLC media player to create a mosaic.